Sunday, October 7, 2012

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking is one of the basic rules for The Secret to work. Let me explain myself.
Negative feelings affect your life in several ways:
1) it blocks positive things to come to your life.
2) they create depression and different types of physical illness (yes, bad feelings and thoughts bring you lots of problems you can measure!).
3) if you think something will be wrong, it'll be wrong.
What can we do to stop bad emotions and negative thinking? Try this:
1) when you remember some negative experience, try to visualise it in very bright colours and with funny music (maybe the soundtrack of some really comic film!).
2) take at least 10 minutes a day to practise some kind of meditation and to visualise success images.
With these two tips, you'll feel much better.
Remember this: if you think positive, the Universe will give you positive things. If you think negative, the Universe will provide you with lots of mysery.
Please, be happy and I'll give more tips in my next post.

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